New Property Developments in Fo Tan

228 - 2001 Sqft
Studio - 4 bed(s)
Centralcon Properties
- 30.82M
Other New Developments
New Developments in Fo Tan

Fo Tan was historically an industrial town. As industrial activities have gone down drastically in Hong Kong, the neighbourhood is being transformed into a commercial and residential area with new developments built parallel with the MTR line.The vacant industrial buildings were redeveloped to house homegrown artists’ studios, incubating local talents from all sectors of the art scene. The regular workshop open day Fo Tan Open Studios injects the neighbourhood with a shot of outspoken and creative boost.Most new builds in Fo Tan are conveniently located along the Fo Tan Nullah, which is sandwiched by jogging and biking trails. The esteemed Chinese University is only within walking distance, making the neighbourhood an ideal place for exchange students and academia.

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New Developments in Hong Kong