New Property Developments in Sai Ying Pun

205 - 483 Sqft
Studio - 3 bed(s)
Paliburg, Regal Hotels
- 16.14M
213 - 1127 Sqft
Studio - 3 bed(s)
Vanke Holdings, Cheung Hung
- 24.59M
223 - 421 Sqft
Studio - 2 bed(s)
Peterson Group, Henderson
- 15.61M
189 - 650 Sqft
Studio - 3 bed(s)
Other New Developments
New Developments in Sai Ying Pun

New developments in Sai Ying Pun gives you the best of both worlds - the funky nightlife and the rustic charms of old Hong Kong.In this part of Sai Wan, everything from wet markets and locally owned restaurants to artsy coffee shops and quirky bars are right at your disposal. With Tai Kwun, the newly revitalized centre for heritage and arts, NoHo (north of Hollywood Road), PoHo (Pound Lane and Po Hing Fong) and Wen Wu Temple all within walking distance, moving into a new build in Sai Ying Pun means all your weekend plans are covered.Once an old neighborhood saturated with walk-ups, Sai Ying Pun is now a gem for expats, newly weds, and professionals who are looking to buy or rent a flat close to where they work at a lower cost than the Mid-Levels without sacrificing their chic lifestyle.

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New Developments in Hong Kong